Learning — Even on the Weekends!?

Sheriff Babu
5 min readFeb 11, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, where we are constantly on the move, it can be easy to let our resolve to learn fade. However, it is crucial to remember that learning should never take a break, not even on the weekends. Whether it’s a new skill, language, or hobby, continuing to learn can have a profound impact on our personal and professional lives. In this blog, we will explore practical ways to keep the fire of learning burning, even in the face of daily challenges.

Practical difficulties faced by learners

We all have commitments and responsibilities that can make it difficult to prioritize learning, especially on weekends. For some, it may be dating commitments, while others may have toddlers at home, and others may have a quirky boss assigning tasks for weekends. Despite these challenges, it’s essential to find ways to make learning a priority.

The 2-minute rule

One practical solution is to apply the 2-minute rule. Adopt the 2-minute rule: Begin a task and stick with it for at least 2 minutes each day to establish it as a habit.

The idea is that you should start small and build the habit of learning something new every day. You can begin by spending just two minutes reading an article, watching a video, or studying a new word. Over time, you can gradually increase the amount of time you dedicate to learning.

Pat yourself on the back for small achievements

Another way to keep the fire of learning burning is to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. It’s essential to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, as this will keep you motivated to continue learning.

Learn at least one thing a day

Making a commitment to learn at least one thing a day can also help keep the fire of learning burning. This could be a new word, a concept, or a skill. By focusing on learning something new every day, you’ll continue to expand your knowledge and improve your abilities.

Nurture the eternal quest to learn

Finally, it’s essential to nurture the eternal quest to learn. By embracing a growth mindset and continuously seeking new information and experiences, you’ll keep the fire of learning burning bright.

Learning keeps you young in mind

In conclusion, learning is not just a pastime or a hobby but a vital part of personal growth and self-improvement. It helps keep our minds sharp, regardless of our physical age. So, the next time you’re feeling discouraged or burnt out, remember that learning never takes a vacation. Fuel your passion and keep the fire of learning burning, even on the weekends!

Real Life Examples of People Who Kept the Fire of Learning Burning

Learning is a lifelong journey, and there are many people who serve as excellent examples of how to keep the fire of learning burning, even in the face of daily challenges. Here are a few real-life examples:

1. APJ Abdul Kalam — Former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a scientist, engineer, and a lifelong learner. He was known for his love of learning and his commitment to education, and he continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
2. Elon Musk — One of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, Elon Musk is a lifelong learner who is constantly seeking new knowledge and opportunities. He has pursued a wide range of interests, from physics and engineering to entrepreneurship and space exploration.
3. Bill Gates — The co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is a well-known philanthropist and a lifelong learner. He has dedicated his life to learning, growing, and giving back, and he continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
4. Ratan Tata — One of India’s most successful business leaders, Ratan Tata is a lifelong learner who is constantly seeking new knowledge and opportunities. He has dedicated his life to learning, growing, and giving back, and he continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
5. N.R. Narayana Murthy — Co-founder of Infosys, N.R. Narayana Murthy is a well-known entrepreneur and a lifelong learner. He has dedicated his life to learning, growing, and giving back, and he continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
6. Indira Gandhi — The first female Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi was a visionary leader and a lifelong learner. She dedicated her life to learning, growing, and giving back, and she continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
7. Sudha Murthy — An author, philanthropist, and social worker, Sudha Murthy is a lifelong learner who is constantly seeking new knowledge and opportunities. She has dedicated her life to learning, growing, and giving back, and she continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
8. Malala Yousafzai — At just 17 years old, she became the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, and she continues to be a powerful advocate for education and women’s rights. Her passion for learning is a testament to the transformative power of education.
9. The Late Ruth Bader Ginsburg — She was a Supreme Court Justice who never stopped learning, even in her 80s. She was known for her commitment to learning, her sharp mind, and her unwavering determination.

These are just a few examples of people who have kept the fire of learning burning. By following their example, we can continue to expand our knowledge and improve our lives, no matter what challenges we may face.

Wondering how to learn to learn?

“Learning How to Learn” is a popular online course offered by Coursera “free” that teaches learners how to effectively and efficiently acquire new knowledge. This course is designed to help people of all ages and backgrounds develop their learning skills, from studying in school to pursuing personal interests.

Learning should be an integral part of our lives, and we should strive to find ways to make it a priority, even on weekends. By applying the 2-minute rule, celebrating small achievements, making a commitment to learn at least one thing a day, and nurturing a lifelong quest for knowledge, we can keep the fire of learning burning bright.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you have any questions or would like to reach out to me, feel free to email me at sheriffjbabu@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you and will do my best to respond promptly. Thank you again for your time, and have a great day!


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Sheriff Babu

Management #consultant and enthusiastic advocate of #sustainableag, #drones, #AI, and more. Let's explore the limitless possibilities of #innovation together!