Can AI find a solution to P vs NP problem?

Sheriff Babu
5 min readMay 17, 2023

Dive into this thought-provoking blog post that delves into the possibilities, limitations, and ethical considerations surrounding AI’s role in solving one of the most significant challenges in theoretical computer science.


The P vs NP problem is one of the most important and challenging open problems in theoretical computer science.

An image that visually represents the concept of AI attempting to solve the P vs. NP problem in computer science.
An image that visually represents the concept of AI attempting to solve the P vs. NP problem in computer science.

It asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer.

Suppose you are given a map of a city and you want to find the shortest route that visits every location on the map.

This is an example of a problem that belongs to the class NP, which stands for nondeterministic polynomial time.

It means that if someone gives you a proposed route, you can easily check if it is correct and optimal by measuring its length and comparing it with the other possible routes.

However, finding such a route in the first place seems to be very hard, as you would have to try out exponentially many possibilities before you can be sure that you have the best one.

The class P, which stands for polynomial time, is a subset of NP that contains all the problems that can be solved quickly by a computer, as well as verified quickly.

For example, finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers is a problem that belongs to P, as there is a simple and efficient algorithm that can compute it.

The P vs NP problem asks whether P and NP are actually the same class, meaning that every problem that can be verified quickly can also be solved quickly.

If this is true, then it would have profound implications for mathematics, cryptography, artificial intelligence, and many other fields, as it would mean that many seemingly hard problems are actually easy to solve.

However, most computer scientists believe that this is not the case, and that there are some problems in NP that are inherently harder than the problems in P.

These problems are called NP-complete, and they have the property that if any one of them can be solved quickly, then all of them can be solved quickly.

So far, no one has been able to prove or disprove that P equals NP, despite decades of research and a million-dollar prize offered by the Clay Mathematics Institute for a correct solution.

It is possible that the problem is too hard for humans to solve with the current methods and tools of mathematics and logic.

But what about artificial intelligence?

Could an AI system find a solution to the P vs NP problem that eludes human intelligence?

This is a fascinating and speculative question that has no definitive answer at the moment.

We can explore some possible scenarios and arguments for and against the possibility of AI solving the P vs NP problem.

One argument in favor of AI solving the P vs NP problem is based on the idea that AI systems can surpass human intelligence in some domains and tasks, such as playing chess or Go, recognizing faces or objects, or generating natural language.

If AI systems can achieve superhuman performance in these domains, why not in theoretical computer science as well? Perhaps an AI system could discover new methods or insights that would lead to a proof or disproof of P vs NP, or even find an efficient algorithm for an NP-complete problem.

Another argument in favor of AI solving the P vs NP problem is based on the idea that AI systems can leverage massive amounts of data and computation power to explore large and complex search spaces.

An AI system could use brute force or heuristic methods to search for a counterexample to P vs NP, or for an efficient algorithm for an NP-complete problem.

Alternatively, an AI system could use machine learning or evolutionary algorithms to learn from existing proofs or algorithms and generate new ones.

One argument against AI solving the P vs NP problem is based on the idea that AI systems are limited by the same fundamental constraints and limitations as human systems.

An AI system cannot solve a problem that is undecidable or uncomputable, such as the halting problem or the busy beaver function.

Similarly, an AI system cannot solve a problem that requires more resources than are available in the physical universe, such as counting all the atoms in the observable universe or simulating all possible quantum states.

If P vs NP is one of these problems, then no AI system could solve it.

Another argument against AI solving the P vs NP problem is based on the idea that AI systems are not capable of generating novel or creative solutions to hard problems.

An AI system may be able to imitate or reproduce existing proofs or algorithms, but not invent new ones.

Alternatively, an AI system may be able to generate random or meaningless solutions, but not verify or justify them. In other words, an AI system may lack the intuition or insight that is required to solve the P vs NP problem.

Limitations of current AI systems

However, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of current AI systems when it comes to tackling highly abstract and theoretical problems like the P vs NP problem.

  1. Problems like the P vs NP problem demand deep mathematical understanding and creative problem-solving abilities, which may be beyond the reach of existing AI algorithms. The complexity and intricacy of the problem require insights that may not be easily encoded into the algorithms employed by AI systems.
  2. Human expertise and intuition play a crucial role in solving complex mathematical problems. While AI can assist and augment human intelligence, it cannot replace the creativity, intuition, and deep understanding possessed by mathematicians and computer scientists. The ability to formulate and test conjectures, draw connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, and employ novel problem-solving strategies are attributes that currently lie within the realm of human expertise.
  3. Despite the rapid progress of AI, significant breakthroughs in solving long-standing mathematical problems have been limited. The highly abstract nature of such problems requires more than brute computational power; it demands a level of mathematical intuition and creativity that is yet to be fully replicated in AI systems.
  4. Ethical considerations arise when contemplating the potential implications of AI solving the P vs NP problem. While a breakthrough in this area could have profound impacts on fields like mathematics, cryptography, and artificial intelligence, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the societal consequences. As AI systems become increasingly autonomous and influential, ensuring that the solutions generated are accurate, reliable, and ethically sound becomes paramount.


Whether AI can find a solution to P vs NP problem is an open and intriguing question that depends on many factors and assumptions.

It may be possible that some AI systems could solve it under some conditions and constraints, while others could not.

It may also be possible that no AI system could solve it at all, or that no solution exists in principle.

Until we have more evidence or progress on this problem, we can only speculate and wonder about its nature and implications.

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Sheriff Babu

Management #consultant and enthusiastic advocate of #sustainableag, #drones, #AI, and more. Let's explore the limitless possibilities of #innovation together!